

3 days in the hospital fighting a rather nasty infection, at the site of my insulin pump, gave me plenty of time for self-reflection. My first thought was, is this infection my fault? followed by growing anxiety that I was; a) going to be shamed as a ‘bad diabetic’ and; b) I was about to take on yet another serious health issue. As my lab results came back, it felt like a can of Pillsbury dough had been popped. It…

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It’s been a long time since I’ve wrote anything. Apparently it takes a long time to squeeze lemons for lemonade! The past year and a bit has thrown me plenty of lemons to juggle but for some reason the last couple months have been the best I’ve had in a while. I don’t know why things changed or how long they’ll stay this way but I’m grateful for the good great days I’ve been having. I plan to start throwing my…

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Why Lemonade?

Why Lemonade?

Why a lemonade stand? Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! It’s a saying you’ve likely heard before and is one that is often associated with unpleasant or challenging circumstances. If you’re like me, and have found yourself facing some type of physical or mental health issue while trying to  carry-on with everyday life, this saying may be something that you’ve become rather familiar with. Although it could be considered cliche, something that is said by well-meaning people and…

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